What we mean by that phrase and hashtag
We recently deleted a post on our Facebook page American flag profile picture tool. It started going viral in a negative way. It was just a link to our #RefugeesWelcome Facebook profile picture overlay, but didn’t explain our position behind it. We decide to delete it and release this video explaining our position on the topic of refugees
We are not about politics we are about people. I personally have friends who have left Syria and are doing their best to stay in the USA. The Huffington Post did this video on Syrian refugees: Facts vs Rumors. If our government does their due diligence and checks the identities of the refugees coming to the USA and you would like to open your home or help them in some way change your Facebook profile picture and add #RefugeesWelcome tag to your Facebook profile. Here is a link
Sir, you are the embodiment of what an American soldier should be. Freedom is for all who come. Thank you for your service, and thank you for your gentle spirit. Your children are beautiful, and may they inherit your gentle spirit, guiding light, and shining love.