Lou Proc of Procrastinators Unite made an announcement today. “As procrastinators we will unite together, next year, to set New Years Resolutions.” Proc continued, it’s an exciting time, our organization has been planning this for quite some time. My great, great, grand father formed Procrastinators Unite and it was his life’s crowning accomplishment. It was extremely exciting to share his message with you today.
We’re in works planning our very first annual Procrastinators Unite meeting. At some point when we get around to it we will look for select volunteer procrastinators to take the lead.
When asked by reporters why they hadn’t made the announcement sooner Proc replied. “I’m not sure, we’re going to form a committee to look into this. There is no good excuse. We suspect our predecessors meant well. Currently we’re focusing our efforts far into the future. There are millions of procrastinators in need of our help. We’re focusing on reaching them. We’re focusing on them because the needs of the many out weigh the few.”
Reporter: “Those are great goals. What’s next for the organization?”
Proc, I’m not sure, we’re going to get past the new year and once the weather warms up we’re planing to look for a great place to vacation. Believe me I’ve earned that vacation, to put all this together took a lot.
If you want to join the Procrastinators Unite movement they have created a Facebook overlay just click on the overlay below then connect with Facebook you can do this now, or later or whenever you get around to it.
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